Retard and advance always foul me up.
If you turn it clockwise, the spark will fire later in the compression stroke. That is what you need to do if it starts hard. My starter got worn and the dang thing would not start hot. Every time I shut it off hot, I had to pop the hood and rotate the distributor clockwise a bit, Start the engine and then jump back out and turn it back.
You can time your engine by setting the motor to where it is sitting with the timing mark at say 8 degrees before top dead center. Turn the key on, but don't start the motor. Now rotate the distributor clockwise a bit and roll it back ccw real slow. If you listen hard, you can hear the points snap open. You will have to pop the cap to hear it. You are now rough timed.
Then fiddle with it a bit until it is perfect by rolling it ccw until it either starts hard or pings a bit. Be carefull as a motor that is too far ccw can run real hot and actually melt a piston.
70 GMC 1,000,000 + miles
72 K-20 project, 456 Dana60 front, Corp14 rear w/locker, 265R19.5 tires 20-ply. Warn 12k winches both ends, Cross-over steering with raised tie-rod, Powerbox steering, 4500 watt 120-AC power, Air, Hydraulic aux power, 4 inch lift, 5000 lb air-bags both ends.
Sisters, Oregon - Home of the Sisters Rodeo.
70 GMC 1,000,000 + miles
72 K-20 project, 456 Dana60 front, Corp14 rear w/locker, 265R19.5 tires 20-ply. Warn 12k winches both ends, Cross-over steering with raised tie-rod, Powerbox steering, 4500 watt 120-AC power, Air, Hydraulic aux power, 4 inch lift, 5000 lb air-bags both ends.