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Old 03-13-2008, 05:10 AM   #2
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Re: Need Help With Air Ride System!

Originally Posted by 1974k5blazer View Post
Ok so I went to go get in the Binder the other day to drop the front and i hit the switch and nothing happen, so i went to lift it, and it went up but will not go down! I know nothing about bag sytems, there is a junction block inside the engine compartment, where the air line comes into, with two little black solinoid looking things that say mass magnet on them with a ground and a hot wire coming out of them. I figured one was to open the valve and one to close it or something?? and on one of them it looked like the ground wire got pulled out a little, most likely got stepped on while putting the motor in, so I switched the two "mass magnets" around to see if it would now go down but not up! but still did the same thing will go up but not down, I even changed switches to see if i just had a bad switch! what else could this be, do i have a stuck valve or something? It seems to be a very simple system, i have have two switches, one for the front and back up and down, and one to turn the compressor on and off! PLEASE HELP, I'LL POST PICS TODAY!
Yep, those would be the fill and dump valves, and it sounds like you either tore a wire out of the solenoid coil, or the wire has come loose. Either way, it's going to need repairing. Usually with these valves, there will be a housing box that screws onto the solenoid, with your wires leading from it. If this is so, remove the screw, carefully remove the cover, and there should be some wires attached to the solenoid coil. There are usually 3 terminals, marked 1, 2, and ground. DONT HOOK UP TO THE GROUND!!!! (The ground is used on non-automotive applications, where a seperate wire is used to creat a real ground, not a loop back to the battery.) The two remaining terminals are what are going to be used, it does not matter what lead goes to which of the two terminals. This is probably where your wires pulled out from, reconnect them to the correct terminals, and you should be done. If you are having trouble visualizing what I am saying, look at this link. Look at the 3d view vs the regular view, and notice what is missing. That is the piece I am talking about removing. Let me know if you need any more help!

Last edited by PrerunnerRob; 03-13-2008 at 05:11 AM.
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