Hidden hitches are the only way to go I have one on my 78 and also on my 55 both have a roll pan. The big problem is the license plate light if you dont use a frame with a light I have not found anything else to use in place of the frame light. I picked up one from laim, Aim Industries a few years ago and had to do some extensive remodeling as it was too wide for the frame, but the blue tip wrench fixed it and it was mucheasier to install than the below the bumper receiver hitch that i had. Also you have to do something with the spare tire if you use the under bumper type. when you look for a roll pan make sure you get one that has a dip in it at the center so it covers more of the spare tire, I didn't see that when I ordered the roll pan, so I leave the spare tire at home !!!!
53 TuTone Extended Cab 350 4-Spd 3:08 (SOLD)
53 Chevy Moldy pearl green ZZ-4 4L60E 9" 3:25
55 GMC 1st Black Mll (ZZ4) ZZ6 TKO 600 5 sp 3:73
62 Solidaxle Corvette Roman Red (327
340hp 4spd 3:36) C4 & C5 suspension tube chassis
LS 3 4L70E
65 Corvette Coupe 327 350hp 4spd 4:11
78 Black Silverado SWB (350/350) 5.3 & 4L60E 3:42
2000 S-Type 3.0 (wife cruiser)
2003 GMC SCSB 5.3 4L60E 3:42