Originally Posted by special-K
The short answer:No.
That flatbed has chrome wheels.But,simulators come in both DOT approved bolt-on under the spreader plate and snap-on like a wheelcover.I`ve only used the bolt-ons on a`78 with the spreader plate and center cover supplied with simulators.
I believe those GM center caps will work.As I recall the holes in the simulators were big enough to clear the lug seat.I believe what you will have is the 8 plastic lug-like-thingys holding the cap on which will be holding the simulator on.Like a simulator sandwhich.I`d think that would work.The factory spreader ring & lug nuts hold "everything" on.The wheel will be held on properly with the lug and I think the 8 plastic lugs will hold the simulator fine.Are you familiar with A&W Direct?They have a work truck and a towing supply catalog with different simulators listed that you can have a look at.They talk about different mounting and prolly could advise you on what you plan.I bet it`s come across their table before.
Now, that's the meat and potatos right there.
But, ya know, the more I look at the picture I posted above, I do believe you are right that he has chrome wheels instead of simulators. Notice the center of the wheel has some irregularities on it, plus, you can see the wheel weight clamped onto the rim. I do believe simulators cover up wheel weights.
I'm just trying to get the nice wheel look without having to sandblast 4 of my wheels. I don't mind shooting the paint, but the prep work is a bear.