Originally Posted by RckyMntnKng
I can answer the angle question.....Whatever angle your Xfer case is at is what you try to match on your diff angle. The goal is to get them parallel as possible, so the rotational speed at both ends is the same....ie no harsh vibrations.
Right - but I plan on doing a CV style so I won't be matching angles I will be pointing my pinion up at the T-case so there essentially is no angular disparity between the pinion yoke angle and the driveshaft itself.
My question was how do I know I am within the "tolerance zone" of a CV shaft? How do I know I have rotated it enough or too far?
I guess I have been assuming there is no shaft between the T-case and pinion to know when you hit the right angle...Is this what I am missing? So use the stock shaft, set the angle, get new measurements for a new shaft?