Originally Posted by my67chevytruck
Thanks James, Keep up the awesome work!
Sorry, but i did not have time to get it done this wekend. but i will get to it very soon. K.
Well i spent most of the weekend out in the shop. I got 90% of the brake lines done on the truck. Ran my crappy rubber fuel line that is gonna be temporary, till later. Made a bracket for my fuel pressure regulator, got the rad mounted with my homemade speacial brackets, wowzers, eh. As i was mountint the rad, i soon realized that my rad support is bent, it will do for now, but i am gonna look for a new one now. go figure. I also got my power steering pump and hoses put on. the pressure hose is nice, but i had to do a funky adapter on the return line by the pump, but you barely see it. Spent quite awhile and got all of the pulleys lined up, except the water pump, need a shim, which is on order and i also got the headers finally bolted on for good. no more taking them off. I think that is what i got done, enuf rambling for now. Talk to you later.
Total Hours:299hrs