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Old 03-29-2003, 07:38 AM   #7
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Originally posted by twistedmetal
Excellent idea mike.How much $ to make it up.that magnet is what i need in the botom of my oilpan to keep track of the odd rod cap that lets go
Very funny Twisted!
Why don't you just get "magnetic" rod caps?
That way when they fly through the side of the block they will just stick to the fenders or something and you can "reuse" them.(!!!)

Counting the stainless tubing, fittings, and the adapter, I think you could do it for less than $50 US.
You would need to get the stainless fittings off of eBay if you don't have any laying around 'cause they are super high.
Of course it would cost a bit more if you put a cooler in the line like I did. That would add another $75 to it.
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