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Old 08-11-2009, 11:37 AM   #2
Just a nother gear head
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Re: Help on ID'ing a few things on a 5.3L

I just had mine all apart. would have to look at the manual for exact names. Do you have a manual? if not go get one. mine was a life saver.
the hose in pic 2 conects to the port withe the 2 white dots just to the right of your hand.
the sensor above the starter is the crank position sensor.
Thats all i can id right now with out going out and looking at mine and fliping threw the manual.
Originally Posted by glock35ipsc View Post
Can anyone help me identify a few things on my 2006 5.3L?

#1 - Sensor on front of intake, right behind the TB:

#2 - The hose that runs from the sensor in #1 runs to the back of the engine on the drivers side and was disconnected from something. What is the hose suppose to plug in to? (end of hose is #1)

#3 - The vent hose on the transmission splits and runs toward the engine and ends with a check valve. the other end was loose. Any idea where that end with the "?" goes?

#4 - This sensor above the starter:

#5 - This module, looks as though it was on the inside of the cab:

#6 - This gizmo was tied around the negative battery cable near the battery terminal end, and ran straight to the PCM:

Thanks in advance for any help ID'ing this stuff!!!!
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2000 chevy 2500 6.0l 4x4 3dr
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