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Old 08-23-2009, 12:44 PM   #20
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Location: fort worth, Texas
Posts: 24
Re: How to fabricate a 67-68 slope nose hood onto a 1969-1972 truck.

Here are a few more photos of the hood mod.

I forgot to mention too. When reattaching the (2) leading edges of the hood to the factory hood. Be sure to have your grill shell on and in place. Lining up the leading edge of the hood and grill shell with a perfect gap (about 1/4 to 3/8). Remember, have the hood aligned and on perfect at the back when doing this! Because if you align this later, all your leading edge work will be off, and all that work looks bad. OK................

Basically, I did a spot weld every inch, then went back and spot welded every half inch, then quarter inch, and eight inch. Then did a half inch long weld with the welder turned down low (to tie the stitch welds closed). Alternating from each end of the hood and center area of the hood to keep the heat low and warping to an minimum. Then, I removed the screws that were high up on the hood (that were in the slope area) and rosette welded those closed. Those I had to do in steps because they wanted to warp. So, I would close up a little amount of the hole and move to another one and close up a little and come back. Welding these rosette holes will warp your slope! I'm telling you, you don't want to warp this area. During prep time all your effort will go to crap if you have to shrink, stretch, beat and modify with bondo this slope area. This will make of break your work later. Go Slow!
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