Thread: LMC tips..
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Old 08-30-2009, 10:36 PM   #5
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Re: LMC tips..

Nothing but explain the situation.....

You've ordered and installed this part (like many other transactions you've had with them.....) and it failed on the first use. You are not satisfied and expect them to ship a functional replacement at no cost. If that means that they open the bag and pull on the handle before it leaves Lenexa, so be it.

Anything less is unacceptable customer service. No sense getting PO'd at LMC right off the bat; the guy in China told them that they were all A-#1 parts. Get PO'd at them if they don't take care of you.
Charter member of the 'Put the dimmer switch back on the damn floor where it belongs' Society

'68 5.3L-4 speed LWB C20; grandpa bought it for the farm in '71. Now LS 5.3, rather than 327.

DD '09 Pilot

Weekender '65 Skylark 300-4V-4 speed

Wife's '07 Lexus ES350; 117 actuator motors and I can't see the engine.

Son's '04 F250 SuperCab 6.0
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