Originally Posted by chevy_mike
Not true. My parents '91 Firebird, with a 305, auto and TBI routinely got 28mph highway and the best they did on a long trip was 32mpg. This was cruise control set at 65mph on a long, flat streach of freeway.
Biggest advantage of the Firebird is that is was very aerodynamic, unlike our bricks (or most any) of a truck.
I had a program at one time that would tell you how much power it took, at what speed based on how much frontal area there was. It was amazing how much more power something like a truck took to push thru the air then a streamline car did. It was even more surprising as you went up in speed. Something like twice the speed took four times the power.
Well, hell, if we're going off the truck subject, my in-laws' '86 Tore-ass would get us 34 MPG with 4 people and luggage on the highway!