Originally Posted by westofb
No probably not...but if they were in good shape I might clean them and re use them again. I built my truck to drive, not for being towed around in a trailer...and if you want to climb under it and diss my surface rusted re used factory parts, that is up to you. Why not re use parts if they are servicable? I have to work hard for what little I got, why spend money on stuff that does not need replaced! I rarely climb under my truck and wax the u bolts, I could care less what they look like, just that they do the job they were intended to do.
Whoaa, calm down there. Don't take my personal preferences personal...geez. Step away from the computer
I don't wax my u-bolts, diss others trucks, or tow my trucks on trailers...for the record.
It is more than the looks of the u-bolts, these things are stretched when installed, stressed and worn from everyday use, don't like to come off easily, and get stretched more when re-installed.
To me, the convienience and safety of new ones far out-weighs the few bucks I'll save re-using old ones that may, or may not be safe.