Originally Posted by GOPAPA
Good report Liz,, the kids only learn as well as thier teacher teaches them at home and with them grades ,,i'd say they have a pretty good teacher.. great news
Great report, Liz:
The "home-schooled" kid cowboy I told you about in a pm. He is married now and has a beautiful baby. They live in town, but want to move back to the ranch. We looked at their house they want to sell over the weekend. He spoke with such clarity of speech, detail, and honesty in showing it, you'd have thought he had a phd.
Also, our kids were public schooled in this small town. We/they have soon learned how lacking they had been taught in money management and personal finance.
Our son who works in Afganistan was home on vacation with his wife this week. They had suffered a money crunch the last year or two. (poor management and over spending) I gave them each a "Dave Ramsey" money manegement program. They could study together long distance. They had listened to the tapes while doing alot of driving while in States. They were amazed at the simple, common sense facts about "earn before you spend" practices they never learned in public schools.
I say all this to encourage and cheer you, Josh and others on, in what your doing in having such a one on one interest in your kids. It has it's benefits and rewards for you, AND your kids the "mass production education" can't compete with.
Keep up the good work!