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Old 03-08-2010, 04:08 PM   #51
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by panhandler62 View Post
When choosing curriculum -- be carefull. Some of the Christian based curriculum can be a little,, well.. *light* on hte sciences. Not really an issue in k-6 but it can become a problem in later grades.

However you feel about science issues; you do your kids no favors if they don't know what the science actualy is (even if they chose to disagree wth it for faith reasons.)
My wife and I are going to spend more time in the sciences than most even do in public school (Probably me doing most of that). that's one of my pet peeves and I really hated being told what was "fact" in high school when it is in FACT a theory. Many of the theories that are presented as rock solid facts in public school have been proven to be false by the MAJORITY of scientists. However, the ones in charge of the curriculum still have the power to present their "Truth". I am not making this up based on faith. This is based on SCIENCE. If you research many of the main theories in science, you will find that they are just that...theories...not facts. My children will know all of the theories presented by modern science, all the items that are known and proven facts, and how parts of our faith have been proven true by evidence in our world.
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Old 03-08-2010, 04:21 PM   #52
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by MacAttack View Post
Couldn't disagree more. In my neck of the woods - if you want to be competitive and not "just get along" you'd better know how to navigate your world - with folks of your own age, or you'll get passed over like being hit with a tsunami. You can cruise until you hit about 7, then you best have it together.

I'll have to disagree back

and agree that
Originally Posted by ERASER5
Good parenting will trump social integration any time.
I appreciate the parenting I received and stayed out of trouble. Never drank, smoked, or tried drugs growing up (or since for that matter). And happy to say that now. I was at parties where that happened and chose not to because I knew the dangers of over-consumption. I don't look down on those who legally drink or's their choice....I just chose not to and part of that choice was because my parents had explained the issues to me.
I was part of after school activities (sports/music/drama/clubs/parties/football and basketball games) but chose my friends wisely as those with similar beliefs and self-control

I guess you can say I surfed on top of the Tsunami. I wasn't passed over by it...I avoided all the issues involved with it

BTW...I went to public schools but was "home schooled" on actions/responsibility/faith/truth
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Old 03-08-2010, 06:02 PM   #53
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

This is a great thread with lots of useful insight for parents.One thing I would like to add is "Personal Finance".More of it needs to be taught to our kids both in public school and by parents.I took a class in it while in HS and I have to say, I hated the teacher,my uncle hated the teacher 30 years before when she taught him typing and my mother hated her when she took typing from her.That said I believe it was the most useful class I ever took.Though it was only basic terminology,learning the cost of intrest and balancing a checkbook it helped me understand how finance works on a personal/family level.I find that many people do not understnd much of what they get involved in with financial matters and are "victimized" by the financial institutions.
Just a random personal thought about how kids could be better prepared for life.
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:57 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by MacAttack View Post
Couldn't disagree more. In my neck of the woods - if you want to be competitive and not "just get along" you'd better know how to navigate your world - with folks of your own age, or you'll get passed over like being hit with a tsunami. You can cruise until you hit about 7, then you best have it together.

I grew up in NY, so I fully understand how it is where you are. Thats why I moved to Rockwell to raise my children. Its like stepping back in time. Church and sports are the social events of the year. Crime is pretty much unheard of, outside of petty theft (tools from sheds n such). And the kids are free to grow up as kids, not adults. I did not want them to have to grow up as quickly as we did. That in itself is half the issue in the world now.

Originally Posted by PanelDeland View Post
This is a great thread with lots of useful insight for parents.One thing I would like to add is "Personal Finance".More of it needs to be taught to our kids both in public school and by parents.I took a class in it while in HS and I have to say, I hated the teacher,my uncle hated the teacher 30 years before when she taught him typing and my mother hated her when she took typing from her.That said I believe it was the most useful class I ever took.Though it was only basic terminology,learning the cost of intrest and balancing a checkbook it helped me understand how finance works on a personal/family level.I find that many people do not understnd much of what they get involved in with financial matters and are "victimized" by the financial institutions.
Just a random personal thought about how kids could be better prepared for life.
I concur

Originally Posted by gcburdic View Post
Again, my inexperience with this makes me an outsider....just a clarifiaction....I believe a charter school is not really a private no tuition for you to worry about....they do have a lottery every year for the number of kids they'll take.....and I think me living so close to Charlotte they seem to be more abundant here as well....they are K-12 schools here though....I guess your location will determine what they can support.....

BUT....Having met your kiddos at the GOG....they are fun loving free spirited bundles of happiness....i bet they would love to spend more time with their mother
Issue is, there aren't any available for our age kids in this area. High school yes.
In Fayetteville they had several. Here nope
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Old 04-25-2010, 11:23 AM   #55
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Have you folks made a decision yet? What have you learned from your research?
Best wishes,
Okla. Panhandle

I think I'll do it myself and pay the extra $500.
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Old 04-25-2010, 01:42 PM   #56
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

I will be homeschooling the kids starting in August. I have decided to go with Omega Publishing's horizons line for now. I really like Abeka, but am unsure if the younger ones would follow it as well.
We have started the level testing on 2 of the 3 kids. They actually enjoyed the tests. Hope thats a good sign.
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Old 04-25-2010, 10:12 PM   #57
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Awesome Liz, I know you'll do great!
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Old 04-26-2010, 12:49 AM   #58
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Does Omega have everything, including books, on DVD packs?
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Old 04-26-2010, 02:34 AM   #59
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Congrats Liz! I wish you good luck! Just never give up and don't give in! no mater how how much your kids may push back. push harder! for personal reasons that's a big one for me. Good luck Liz and keep us updated!

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Old 04-26-2010, 07:32 AM   #60
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by ERASER5 View Post
Does Omega have everything, including books, on DVD packs?
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Old 04-26-2010, 02:38 PM   #61
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Yep. That's the one. A friend of mine is using that for his kids. Since they are in Brazil, not having books is a plus. Less shipping weight.
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Old 04-26-2010, 05:14 PM   #62
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by 68C15 View Post
do you get a break on property taxes then. I mean if you are not using the public school system do you still help pay for it?
My son goes to a Private Christian School and no we dont get a break on property taxes.
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Old 04-30-2010, 04:47 PM   #63
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

A little late to the subject here, but my 3 kids have been homeschooled from day one and the oldest is 13. We have been through every available curricula option, had good things and bad. I'd be glad to answer any questions if I can, or get my wife to answer them at least, lol. A lot of people use the social interaction BS as an arguement against homeschooling.. Ive found that it does have its down sides. My kids are not socially limited and are as comfortable talking to their best friend as to their pastor or the bank president. They will only be as limited as you let them be, and from what ive seen your kids will be great. I can tell youve put some thought and effort into this decision and i applaud that, too many people dont. If I can answer any Q's please feel free to message me or email me id be glad to do it. Have a great day!!
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Old 09-30-2010, 10:05 AM   #64
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Since a few have asked. We decided to homeschool Melinda this year. Daniel wanted to finish out his last year in elementary school. And Cici is only in 2nd grade and still establishing friends.

Meli is doing amazing.. she struggled for years in school, was retained once, and barely keeping on grade. Her teachers tried hard to get her the help she needed, and I do appreciate that. However.. since she has been home, the one on one has helped. She is maintaining a 93 avg in her combined studies. We started her with a reading tutor on Aug 2. Our friend is a elementary level reading coach and Mel spends 2 hours a day doing extended studies with her as a tutor. We started our school on Aug 25, to stay with the public school calender. She loves her lessons.. except social studies (prehistoric error stuff) and is ahead, and tracked to complete fourth grade in Dec or Jan..

We went with time for learning's program, and supplement the lessons with worksheets and activities. The reasons we chose this program are you can go up and down a grade in lessons at anytime. For instance, she had to start long division this week. Issue is in public school they touched on division, and she was not proficient in multiplication. I was able to pull up the 3rd grade lessons and teach her the basics and move on to the long division in a matter of 2 days. Also this program uses a lot of video goofiness.. with her processing issues, the videos pull her in and she retains what is said.. when reading a passage her mind is elsewhere. We do back that up with reading and language arts in tutoring, as said above.

In all I am so excited for her, and how much of a change she has made in a short time. Daniel will be home with us next year as well. Cici I am not sure of yet. It will depend on how this year goes for her in school. All 3 are maintaining A avgs, so I can not complain at all about that..
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Old 09-30-2010, 10:47 AM   #65
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
Since a few have asked. We decided to homeschool Melinda this year. Daniel wanted to finish out his last year in elementary school. And Cici is only in 2nd grade and still establishing friends.

Meli is doing amazing.. she struggled for years in school, was retained once, and barely keeping on grade. Her teachers tried hard to get her the help she needed, and I do appreciate that. However.. since she has been home, the one on one has helped. She is maintaining a 93 avg in her combined studies. We started her with a reading tutor on Aug 2. Our friend is a elementary level reading coach and Mel spends 2 hours a day doing extended studies with her as a tutor. We started our school on Aug 25, to stay with the public school calender. She loves her lessons.. except social studies (prehistoric error stuff) and is ahead, and tracked to complete fourth grade in Dec or Jan..

We went with time for learning's program, and supplement the lessons with worksheets and activities. The reasons we chose this program are you can go up and down a grade in lessons at anytime. For instance, she had to start long division this week. Issue is in public school they touched on division, and she was not proficient in multiplication. I was able to pull up the 3rd grade lessons and teach her the basics and move on to the long division in a matter of 2 days. Also this program uses a lot of video goofiness.. with her processing issues, the videos pull her in and she retains what is said.. when reading a passage her mind is elsewhere. We do back that up with reading and language arts in tutoring, as said above.

In all I am so excited for her, and how much of a change she has made in a short time. Daniel will be home with us next year as well. Cici I am not sure of yet. It will depend on how this year goes for her in school. All 3 are maintaining A avgs, so I can not complain at all about that..
Good report Liz,, the kids only learn as well as thier teacher teaches them at home and with them grades ,,i'd say they have a pretty good teacher.. great news
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Old 09-30-2010, 01:32 PM   #66
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by GOPAPA View Post
Good report Liz,, the kids only learn as well as thier teacher teaches them at home and with them grades ,,i'd say they have a pretty good teacher.. great news
Great report, Liz:
The "home-schooled" kid cowboy I told you about in a pm. He is married now and has a beautiful baby. They live in town, but want to move back to the ranch. We looked at their house they want to sell over the weekend. He spoke with such clarity of speech, detail, and honesty in showing it, you'd have thought he had a phd.

Also, our kids were public schooled in this small town. We/they have soon learned how lacking they had been taught in money management and personal finance.
Our son who works in Afganistan was home on vacation with his wife this week. They had suffered a money crunch the last year or two. (poor management and over spending) I gave them each a "Dave Ramsey" money manegement program. They could study together long distance. They had listened to the tapes while doing alot of driving while in States. They were amazed at the simple, common sense facts about "earn before you spend" practices they never learned in public schools.

I say all this to encourage and cheer you, Josh and others on, in what your doing in having such a one on one interest in your kids. It has it's benefits and rewards for you, AND your kids the "mass production education" can't compete with.
Keep up the good work!

Okla. Panhandle

I think I'll do it myself and pay the extra $500.

Last edited by cayoterun; 09-30-2010 at 02:09 PM.
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