Thread: PO has me PO'd
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Old 11-30-2010, 03:44 PM   #1543
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Re: PO has me PO'd

Originally Posted by swamp rat View Post
Ok, seeing your pic's brought back some memorys i'd just assume forget, all i had was a small 1 ton floor jack and it was not tall enough to lift my T case or my tranny high enough to do the install, so i ended up pushing them off to the side a little and positioned myself under the center of my truck, then i pulled the tranny onto my chest and used my arms and my knee to heft it up into place, then i had to do the same with the T case.. that was a beotch!
Been there done that, but I am much wiser to the mechanical techniques for solving problems (hydraulics). I'm big on the right tool for the job, plus I'm 60 and still have upper body strength, a trans on my chest would probably break a rib

plus. plus it was only 100 bucks at Harbour Freight
Semper Fi...Uncle Sam, you da man

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Dont try this stuff in my build thread, unless you have 55 years of mechanical OTJ training

AS usual, off topic

They say your mind goes second, can't remember the first


Last edited by jaros44sr; 12-01-2010 at 12:46 AM.
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