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Old 12-28-2010, 09:48 PM   #4
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Re: Any of you running a harness bar in your trucks?

You are correct, you can't mount them to the floor and have them work properly, the shoulder harness needs to be just below the top of your shoulders.

I did not mean to down your post with my opinion, I just wanted you to consider what i considered aggrivation of buckleing all five sections into the latch everytime I got into the car. Yes, they certianly have a look, but it is so much easier with one click of the buckle on a stock type 3 point setup.

Do they make a bar to bolt into these trucks for the harnesses? Just wasn't aware of anything like that.

454/4 speed, '85 Dodge Ram hybrid build in progress

454, PP heads, Dual 500 CFM cabs, 'Vette manifolds. First time out---spinning for half track

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Last edited by 383Ram; 12-28-2010 at 09:49 PM.
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