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Old 07-14-2003, 11:05 PM   #10
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Class of 69, personally, I prefer the non-greasable ones.
The hole for the zerk fitting creates a weak spot (which doesn't really matter onless you have butt loads of torque...but worth mentioning), and I figure if the stock O.E. sealed units lasted 140K on my wife's old S-10 blazer (4.6 vortec)...then I am sold on them. They actually out lasted the rest of the truck.
Plus, I am lazy and hate messing with the grease gun, and in reality, this is one place that is commonly skipped at jiffy lube, and they won't even blow smoke up your tail pipe, they'll flat out tell you.
NOTE...Jiffy lube is just an Jiffy lube, I mean pretty much all oil chainge places
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