When you get the page you are looking at on ebay, highlight the URL, and copy it. Then go into this messageboard and when you submit a thread or reply, right above where you type, there is a button to click that reads
http:// Click on that button. A box will come up where you can type what you want the link to read, like "Overload Leafs on eBay", or you can put the webpage name in like "www.ebay.com". When you click okay, another box will come up asking for the URL, or where you want the link to take someone. At that point, paste in the web address of the overload leafs on ebay, click okay, and down in the text of your reply, some stuff will come up with brackets around it. When you 'submit your reply' on this board, it will come up with a link you can click on to take you to the springs on ebay. Look at the attached pic for a walkthrough.