Thread: Need HEI help
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:08 PM   #1
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Need HEI help

purchased a rebuilt HEI for my 68 from Langdons stovebolt - I was told it was a fairly easy install. I'm going to list the first 7 instructions and see if someone can dumb it down for me so that I can understand - I think im in over my head.

1. Rotate engine to No. 1 cylinder firing

2. Set slightly before T.D.C. approx 10 - 18 degrees B.T.D.C

3. Remove old distributor

4. install HEI and assure full oil pump drive tang engagement

5. Rotate distributor until 6 points on internal star wheel line up with 6 points on stationary pole piece

6. Note location of rotor and install #1 spark plug wire at this terminal. Install other wires in clockwise direction proceeding through firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4

7. Power feed must be a #10 size wire direct from ignition switch to coil + terminal. delete any resistor either ballast type or inline resistance wire.

I honestly don't know what any of that means. Thanks for the help.
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