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Old 11-13-2011, 11:25 AM   #18
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Carson City N.V.
Posts: 59
Re: allmost impossible to read timing tab

It sounds like you are hooked up to manifold vacuum and it is pulling more advance at idle. Try the ported side and also pull off the cap and make sure everything is moving freely. On my gas 400 motor I am running 8 BTDC and a total of 34 at about 3000 rpm with the vaccum advance unhooked. I also verified TDC by pulling #1 spark plug and inserting a wire so when someone rotates the motor over you can feel exactly when it has hit TDC, then check the mark. That is how I found out my mark was not on.

Last edited by Cramitthefrog; 11-13-2011 at 11:31 AM.
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