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Old 01-01-2012, 07:15 PM   #10
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Re: What's this truck worth? 71 Chev C10

You said you don't want to be in it for more than one can be bought done? I'm not trying to be a big jerk here, but unless you can do all or almost all of the work yourself, and can get a big discount on the parts you probbably can't build that truck for what you can buy it allready done. Just about anyone on here will tell you that it almost always cost more to build than to buy. Unless there is some sentimental attachment to this truck [and it appears there is not] or you are in the business of building cars and trucks [and sometimes still not then] you just want to build a truck for the experiance or the fun or whatever but most will say that at their labor at zero most of the time they cannot get their money out if they need to sell. If you have to farm out work in any areas [body paint ,electical, mechanical] your probability of making money goes down. I don't want to bust any bubbles or ideas of goodtimes you might have with family and or friends that a build can bring and those thing can't be measured by money. i am the last one to discourage anyone from a build if you have done it before I'll steop off and appolgize for my statments to you , but if you have'nt build before the economy is such that it can't or won't support all of the builds that are being done with the thoughts of making money and easy sales. It is not that easy. Jim
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