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Old 09-02-2003, 12:27 PM   #15
Registered User
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 16
Hey Dr.Phil

You want to play this game, go ahead and call me what you like! I will tell you another thing If this post (link to ebay is removed) I will have to contact the moderator due to the fact that there is a lot of other members on here that post their items for ebay (Unequal opportunity). SO DO NOT GIVE ME THIS CRAP ABOUT GROWING UP!!!!! YOU SIR ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO. I do not appreciate your improper language for there are people that do not talk like that and that just makes you look less than you really are. Also you post the rules and then when can discuss the rest later as for not selling the items I guess we will see won't we by the way I will give you alittle insight why don't you go and take a look for yourself. Here is that address again just incase you cant remember it dr phil. As for that apology, I think that went out the window right along with your fowl mouth. DUDE


Hey who ever the hell you are..
Never piss and moan on the board about your right to go against the board rules and then come and bother me with your smart ass PM's. I advise that you stay on ebay and knock yourself out. No one here will buy your stuff. There are rules about advertising here and only selling on ebay.. You cant and wont.
as for talk to you later, Id rather not until you grow up and do an online apoligy asswipe!

And by the way I really do not care for who you are and what ever it is that you stand for. Maybe your PM means your pre-menstril

Last edited by Splendidfoods; 09-02-2003 at 12:53 PM.
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