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Old 09-01-2003, 08:36 PM   #1
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All parts on ebay with posts

Here are the posts for all of my items on ebay. I do not know how to make them a clickable link. If anyone can tell me I will make them active. thanks

Thank you tom for helping me out.

I also have a set of seats that are grey and in real good condidtion they are bucket sport style. I paid 75 for them and I would like to get 60. I will post a pic of them tomorrow along with the other stuff out in the garage, There is a lot more there. I do believe.

Last edited by Splendidfoods; 09-02-2003 at 07:17 AM.
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Old 09-01-2003, 08:37 PM   #2
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Ah I guess it is automatic ey? that was cool, sorry simple minds are easily entertained (hehehehe)
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Old 09-01-2003, 11:25 PM   #3
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Old 09-01-2003, 11:29 PM   #4
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Thank you

I am sending you a pm
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Old 09-02-2003, 01:58 AM   #5
Phillip Johnson
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I guess we need to click on all of them to see what you are selling. Last night someone on here said he resented someone on the board trying to buy his ebay stuff on the side through email. I say, if you dont want anyone to buy it here, dont post it in both places. are you only willing to sell through ebay or are you taking offers from board members?

Last edited by Phillip Johnson; 09-02-2003 at 03:07 AM.
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Old 09-02-2003, 09:21 AM   #6
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If you dont like do not look

Well Mr. Johnson it looks like you are the second person to get nasty with me. If you do not like it do not look. Let me ask you are you a leader or a follower, In my personal opinion it looks to me like you are a follower. If you are going to make reference to other people why don't you qoute them instead of making a hearsay reference to them. That sounds so childish and unprofessional when people do that.

I thought I would just put the stuff up there and here to give people the option to buy my stuff mainly becasuse I do not know how much this stuff goes for. I will tell you one thing though I have only been here for 3 or 4 days, which in turn 2 people have gotten nasty. Let me ask you something Dr. Phil did you take you evening shot of Geratol or did you forget.

But please if you are going to post your thoughts make sure that you don't quote someone without proof. Also if you do not want to click on each one of the posts Tom was generous enough to take some of his time to help me out (instead of badger me with rediculous comments) by putting them all on one page. I you want to look Mr. Johnson then look but if you want to complain and write comments then go post them to someone who might accept your not so constructive criticism. Maybe you should spend sometime with your truck instead of getting a headache looking at the computer all day.

You know if you want to help why dont you post somemore positive replies. Because there are some people that just will not stand for people and what they say or the way they say it. If you did not mean it the way you did then you sir should think about the way you are saying it. Because that is the way that I am percieving it. Dont worry Mr. Johnson you are not the only one that I have gotten on and if anyone would like to post more negative sounding replies please do not. Just keep your thoughts to yourself. When I get replies I would like them to be questions or good comments and not smartass remarks. Because I take the time to read them and I do care what people think. If that other person does not like the fact that he has to go to ebay to look at the parts and has had a bad experience with this then he shouldn't have too. Also The parts are on ebay and have to stay therefore the anser to your question would have to no evidently not for you, since you asked. Like I said to shane I am sorry if I sound a little forward but that is better than sounding a little negative. Also I have been here a short time and that is not good that 2 people have already done this WHY, just leave it. Do the veterans not like new people to join their site, or is it that you are afraid that you might loose you popularity due to someone having something better than you?

You Have a good day, Sir

Last edited by Splendidfoods; 09-02-2003 at 09:26 AM.
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Old 09-02-2003, 10:31 AM   #7
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Oh one more thing

I thought I woudl ease the pain of surfing through all of the garbage on ebay and bring them to you! I dont know about you but I don't care to look at all of the garbage on ebay anymore, it is worse than going to walmart. I thought I would never say that but there it is.

Thank you,
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Old 09-02-2003, 10:47 AM   #8
All stock and staying that way

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Thumbs down

Yeah bud, you are really doing us a service here.....

What are you, 14 or something?

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Old 09-02-2003, 10:56 AM   #9
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hey blazer,

what are you mad because I am voicing my opinion. and by the way am am 30. That is not what I am saying about the service"I figured I would just post them to let people know what I have" Like I said if you want to type crap type it to someone else. I am sorry I stick up for myself and all of you three want to poke well I am sorry you poke I will shove. I like the way you all treat your new members. A lot of the people are great but I guess a few really suck! Thanks for the nice welcome to the board guys! Any time you would liek to talk about this matter you can email me and I will be more than glad to give you my phone number! If you want you can also elaborate your statement. You know what screwit I am not going to waiste my time on you two fools I have better things to do, then toy with childish minds such as yourself. Right along with your brother Dr. Phil.

Last edited by Splendidfoods; 09-02-2003 at 10:59 AM.
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Old 09-02-2003, 11:21 AM   #10
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Dude ... just chill a little ... its all good here.

You referred to me no less than 2 or 3 times in the above post as being NASTY to you, once by name. I told you in your ORIGINAL post that I was not attempting to be nasty and apologized if you perceived it that way. In return, I got a NASTY Private Message from you, which I posted just for public record. You can ask anyone here, I am an easy-going kind of person. I don't cause trouble ... why would I want to cause grief for you? I don't even know you. I was only trying to let you know that there are rules about posting parts for sale ... no more ... no less.

There is no reason be so defensive when folks reply to your posts ... the internet is a faceless & expressionless media for communication. You can not always tell, by simply reading, how someone means something. It may sound NASTY to you, but that doesn't necesarilly mean that was the way it was intended.

I can respect the fact that you may have had a rough childhood, as you stated in the PM to me. With that being said, there is no reason to continue to think EVERYONE out there is trying to "run over you." And, if that is the way you truly feel, then nothing anyone does or says here will change your thought process. If I perceive that folks are being NASTY to me when I go somewhere new & make me fell unwelcomed ... then I don't go back ... my decision ... simple.

Just chill ... have some fun ... and make some new friends. We're all here to help one another.

Last edited by Shane; 09-02-2003 at 11:31 AM.
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Old 09-02-2003, 11:27 AM   #11
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Hey Shane

It has nothing to do with childhood, It is just a friendly post to let people know that I am trying to get rid of my items. I mean what is the big deal about making a post to sell parts like others have? I did it a different way ooppps my bad. I guess you are right though I should just let things ride.

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Old 09-02-2003, 11:40 AM   #12
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The intent of the buy-sell section of the board is to allow members to deal items between themselves. Reading the bylaws, it clearly states in article "11." "that items for sale must have a price".
By referring to e-bay items, we confuse the intent of the buy-sell board. THAT IS THE POINT THAT PHIL WAS TRYING TO MAKE.
If you are willing to sell the item to a board member, then it must have a price.
If not, you are doing a referral to e-bay in which case I agree with Phil---take you item off the sell board! If you are not sure what an item is worth ask the members for some suggestions in the message board.
That way you are not cluttering up the space with e-bay business which is an auction---not a priced item for sale.
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Old 09-02-2003, 12:08 PM   #13
Phillip Johnson
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Looks like we have another NEW KID that thinks he is above the rules of the board.. I stated that when you try to buy anything from this guy, he won't sell because he is an ebay boy. Then I ask, why are we bothering having his posts on the board? I deal with guys HERE that buy and sell HERE. Not the ones that advertise here and then make you go to ebay and buy.. This is a joke. A total joke. I would highly advise that no board member buy from this guy unless he agrees to the rules.
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Old 09-02-2003, 12:14 PM   #14
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Oh I get it, but what about the others that have posted many, many ebay listings here I know I am not the first one? Figuratively speaking. I see what you are saying. But like I said huck I was just letting peope know that I had parts on ebay and I am truely sorry for not reading the legalities of this page. Like I said before I am selling my stuff. If you all do not want them here than have then ask the moderator to have it and myself removed from this board because I am just following in others footsteps. So I am sorry if I have caused a stink but like I said before I was just trying thats all and you cannot blame a man for doing that. Also I do not want the items and do not have the need for them anymore.
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Old 09-02-2003, 12:27 PM   #15
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Hey Dr.Phil

You want to play this game, go ahead and call me what you like! I will tell you another thing If this post (link to ebay is removed) I will have to contact the moderator due to the fact that there is a lot of other members on here that post their items for ebay (Unequal opportunity). SO DO NOT GIVE ME THIS CRAP ABOUT GROWING UP!!!!! YOU SIR ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO. I do not appreciate your improper language for there are people that do not talk like that and that just makes you look less than you really are. Also you post the rules and then when can discuss the rest later as for not selling the items I guess we will see won't we by the way I will give you alittle insight why don't you go and take a look for yourself. Here is that address again just incase you cant remember it dr phil. As for that apology, I think that went out the window right along with your fowl mouth. DUDE


Hey who ever the hell you are..
Never piss and moan on the board about your right to go against the board rules and then come and bother me with your smart ass PM's. I advise that you stay on ebay and knock yourself out. No one here will buy your stuff. There are rules about advertising here and only selling on ebay.. You cant and wont.
as for talk to you later, Id rather not until you grow up and do an online apoligy asswipe!

And by the way I really do not care for who you are and what ever it is that you stand for. Maybe your PM means your pre-menstril

Last edited by Splendidfoods; 09-02-2003 at 12:53 PM.
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Old 09-02-2003, 12:29 PM   #16
Phillip Johnson
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Look Mr Splendidfoods (sounds like a restaurant in West Hollywood). I simply remind you of the rules that govern myself and a new guy like yourself. You seem to be above the rules and now say that its up to "those in charge" to remove you. That is a joke and I for one, will buy from only people that advertise here and sell here. It isnt cool to advertise here and then make someone go and jump through the ebay hoops. You have violated the rules of the board. I highly suggest that you go to the top of the page and READ the rules and then be a man and say you are sorry for being on your high horse and saying that you will be doing as you please here until you get booted. I myself will not deal with you.
Enjoy your Splendid day!
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Old 09-02-2003, 12:32 PM   #17
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13 posts and you are the expert on the board. Must be a UCLA Grad... I am.. Get a life and quit slamming people here.
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Old 09-02-2003, 12:41 PM   #18
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No, sir I do have a masters degree in business and Culinary arts! By the way stop stalking me and looking me up on the my profile. Because you are harrasing me and I do not appreciate it. Actually my business (which is actually a restaruant not by this name, it is what my food is!!!!)pulls down $750,000 a year and since you want to drag my profession into this what do you do? Are you a professional stalker?

Last edited by Splendidfoods; 09-02-2003 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 09-02-2003, 02:21 PM   #19
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Yikes. This is a bit reactionary...

Good luck resolving it.

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Old 09-02-2003, 02:29 PM   #20
He's got mean nasty FANGS!
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wow, splendid foods, back the hell off, everyone else do the same. Splendid foods, consider this a warning, along with the others who continued to ag him on, do this again, and kiss your priveledges to access this board goodbye.
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