Originally Posted by Clyde65
I don't think those will fit on GM truck rally wheels, they do fit the corvette rally wheels that look similar but have bigger and fewer slots around the outer part of the center
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I know those are corvette rallys and that they don't fit the 80's model truck rally wheel but I have seen more then a few trucks running the 80's model rally with that style of center, just never got a chance to ask the owners about them. That is why I was hoping someone here had done it or knew where to buy the right center or kit for my model wheels.
Rich, thanks for the link.... I was thinking it was something like that but was hoping I could take the easy way and buy something... getting lazy as I get older...
Forest, I am running a set of rallys off of a late 79's early 80's truck. I have the centers for them but would love to run the dog dish style... just looks cleaner and more simple. I know about the Wheel Vintiques but they don't make a center like that for my wheel that I am aware of. Thanks for the info tho.