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Old 04-09-2012, 07:42 PM   #2
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Re: My ears are still ringing

Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher View Post
That stinks about the mufflers. But I'd invest in some fully welded ones any how. They tend to live longer in our area. Your area is probably more friendly than ours, IDK. The clutch deal sounds real odd. But maybe it had been hurt before and you didn't notice it and it just slowly had been getting worse?
I have Flo Master 70's in my burb, and I am happy with them for the most part. I will decide what to do when the truck is back at the muffler shop, and I have a discussion with the shop owner to see if I can afford to go that route.

My feeling is, is that I am gonna have to eat the cost on the mufflers and labor since it wasn't the muffler shop that caused any of this.
1968 K20 Suburban
1972 K10 LWB PU
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