Originally Posted by VWNate1
Ah , crap .
You'll be very sorry you used the worthless rubber plug thing when it fails next year far from home...
It's a simple thing to raise the truck then jack & block the engine and remove the mounts & brackets ,
use a big socket and long extension to hammer in a brandy new brass freeze plug , then it'll be done forever .
BT , DT many times over .
You're close now, don't give up nor take shortcuts .
Fired her off today. Mud daubers filled up the hard line between the tank and the new fuel pump.
We found out because I wasn't getting gas (duhhhh),and I had installed a fuel pressure gage at the carb...
,,,No pressure.
Good news/Bad News: The motor mount lined up after we removed it and the bracket to put in the "worthless rubber plug thing";
Good News: The "worthless rubber plug thing" held;
Good news: Gas tank didn't have to come out;
Good news: After much fiddling, the 350 is a runner;
Bad/Good News: Failure of another freeze plug at the back of the block;
Bad news: Tranny still leaking from the shifter shaft after a new seal install;
Bad news: Tac didn't get wired correctly....My Bad, as they say in the hood;
Good News/Bad News: Trans is coming out to get a good shot at no-leakee;
Good News/Bad News: Motor's coming out to install all new proper freeze
Undo a years' work because I was too stupid to:
1: Put in new freeze plugs while the motor was out;
2: Get my arms around the TH350 leaks properly. I just did seals and a new pan gasket.
They can leak from many other places, Boys and Girls.
Trans fluid, gas, coolant all over the shop floor. One fluid at a time, over and over again.
More good news: The fresh engine oil stayed inside the motor. For now.