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Old 10-19-2012, 03:54 PM   #36
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Re: Teenager rant (long winded, sorry)

Here's my take on this (my first post here as well, hello everyone). I had a hot rodded '70 CST10 my junior year of high school, was not my first vehicle or truck but was the first vehicle I really fell in love with (and also started my affinity with these trucks). Mine wasn't put together that well by it's previous owners and constantly had issues. It got to a point where it was costing me nearly a grand a month to keep it running, which for a 17 year old kid washing dishes part time and going to school full time was impossible to afford. After a few months of this (and selling most of my guitar collection ) my father convinced me I should sell it and buy something more reliable which I did, and I regretted it instantly. Fast forward 14 years, I've finally bought another truck like it and I intend to give it the treatment I had dreamed of with my first C10. I can relate to your situation and would understand completely if you did wind up selling. But for me, if I could rewind time I would have found a way to keep mine, to this day I still miss my first one.
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