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Old 10-25-2012, 09:53 AM   #23
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Post Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Phooey ~

Thanx for trying anyway .

Back to the Jaguar SMITH'S gauge I guess .

Looking at the corroded PC there , I imagine it's just a matter of taking some serious time to disassemble the entire dash binnacle and ever so carefully hand polish each and every connection , especially where the MPC plugs in ~ those female contacts are usually brown and they need to be shiny copper colored to have accurate gauges ~ I've done several of these now and the improvement in fuel gauge accuracy and ilumination is amazing .

However , it's very easy to ruin the PC if you're rough on it when polishng .

Also , you'll need to schlepp on down to SEARS or where ever and buy some thin ignition wrenches so you can hold the inner nuts from turning as you loosen the outer nuts on the PC , as soon as they twist , the delicate PC's mylar is ruined...

Adding a ground wire from the binnacle to the cab's frame is always wise as is replacing the usually gone missing braided ground straps from engine to cab , engine to frame , cab to frame , core support to frame and so on ~ try this , your headlights will *instantly* be white at night and your battery will charge up faster too....

All these gaugse work on milliamps so anything that hinders current flow , makes them balky and inaccurate .
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