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Old 12-15-2012, 11:04 PM   #9
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Re: OOPS! HELP locked my drivers side door, now wont unlock

Originally Posted by yellow400ex05 View Post
what makes that lock button not push in all the way??? i have the panel off and want to know if theres a way to turn it manually so that when you press your thumb on the button it opens it..
The lock is pretty simple. There's a tall, thin pin that slides through a tall, thin hole in a plate. When they line up, the button goes in, when you turn the key, the pin turns sideways and it's impossible to get it through the hole. Below is a really basic drawing of this description.

If you take the handle off, you can use ring nose pliers to take it apart. If you do so, there's a spring and several other pieces on the inside, so disassemble carefully and note the order in which they come out. I haven't taken the lock cylinder apart, but I'm sure finding out is easy.
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