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Old 03-16-2013, 04:12 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Aztec, New Mexico
Posts: 76
Re: No pinion seal on donor rear end, clean area and go?

Ok guys so much for the no news good news part! I have learned a load here in the last few days lol. Anyways tried my 3rd rear from the yard, no go (didnt leave the yard this time tho). So I got my money back. So I put my feelers out and got put in touch with a guy who does rear ends (doesn't sound right lol) and he is going to set it up, and do the breaks for me. Will be ready by tuesday at the latest, ready to put back on. Turns out its a posi too, and from what I hear this is good/rare? He seemed excited anyways. I'll do some reading on this. Anyways my friend filled him kinda where we stand, I have a couple of young ones and my wife stays home for now so we were trying to do it cheaper with a swap trying to avoid the rebuild in a shop. He said he would "take it easy on me" lol. Hes a good old boy who has set up thousands of rear ends, he laughed at me when I pulled up in the wifes Subaru with the rear end in there. I had it down to the housing and labled all the parts and where they came from. Cant wait till shes running again!! Anyways, probobly more than you guys wanted to know but there is light at the end of the tunnel! BTW I will never go back to that yard for anything!!
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