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Old 11-30-2003, 09:07 PM   #5
Cause the Chicks DIG IT!!
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Beaufort SC
Posts: 509
I just got done replacing a switch in my 71. The first question i ask though is do you have tilt or no tilt. The tilt will determine how easy it is or not. Now granted i put a tilt steering column out of an 81 van in mine but i would reckon it's the same. Just get you a steering wheel puller (you can rent them from autozone) and take off the steering wheel. The turn signal switch itself has 3 screws in it. NOw on my tilt i was able to wrestle it out from there but going back in was another story. theres an outer bracket that has the holes in it for your turn signal indicator and in my case the tilt lever and also the 4 way indicator switch. You can use a 2 jaw puller to take that off if you have that bracket. The bad thing i ran into was putting the new one back in. I had a small area to fit the connector plug through and it just wasn't happening. I had to cut the wires feed em through and then put em back together. after that it wasn't so bad. It's not really all that hard but look forward to a few small minor speedbumps in the road. Good luck
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