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Old 04-07-2014, 08:56 AM   #16
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Re: No more pawpaw truck

Originally Posted by oldmann1967 View Post
Looks like it is going uphill now. Can't really level these trucks and have them look right. The distance between the tire and wheelwell gets out of order.
+1 !!

I might be crazy but if I'm correct, the front fender wheel opening is cut a little higher than the rear.

That is the reason why his truck is dead level if you look at the bedrail vs. the ground, but it still looks like the front end sits higher now.

I feel these trucks look a little better with a slight rake because of this.

I know this isn't a great picture but its the only one I have from when my truck was still together, its from a couple years ago. Its dropped with a flip kit in the rear w/ 2.5'' spindles and we cut one coil out of the stock spring.

we put it all back together to see how it would sit w/out cuttin the spring and it was way too high in the front.

Its hard to tell but it has a slight rake to it but the fender gaps looks pretty equal, which is proof that the fender openings are cut a little higher on the front fenders.
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