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Old 01-06-2004, 02:52 PM   #7
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rattle can paint

I think we all use rattle can paint too. I did a kids school project with my wife once painting straw hats. We used about 8 cans of paint and it was outside but I remember the light headed and short breath thing. I was never a runner but I like to hike the hills.

We need good recomendations of products that others think or know to work and maybe even sources to buy from. I read all this and it is great but getting on my shopping list and going and buying it is another thing.

Maybe board vendors should hook up with a safety supply company and sell items for specific tasks or protections. I would buy glasses, resporators, welding helmets, etc. Heck I even need good supplier of a 110v wire feed welder. My time is limited and shopping takes time (not that thats not fun!!)
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