Thread: Headers
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Old 06-06-2014, 04:53 AM   #3
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Re: Headers

What's your current exhaust set up now? My '86 had factory duals and smog pumps.

On mine, I was going to keep the manifolds, but they had to be pulled and resealed (bad leak on one of them.) I couldn't get the AIR tubes out and destroyed one of them. Rather than acquire new manifolds, sent Summit some money and new headers showed up. Not really much of a difference, and haven't had any problems with leaks yet. I do know eventually they will have to be replaced as they are the cheap, painted ones.

HP and torque gains? Not enough to notice, if any.
'86 C-30 dually, 454/tbh400
'73 K-20 350/350/205 (sold )

I'm kinda like duct tape- no real purpose, but handy to have around.
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