Originally Posted by mitchell72
My uncle, who has 65 cars, is now running out of storage. So on the vehicles that cant be stored indoors, and also have minor rust issues, -he paints them with exterior house pant. The paint is tinted, some are lively colors, and seriously, from 10 feet away, they look pretty darn good. He says he is preserving them for the next guy who will eventually undertake the project.
He uses a harbor freight gun and sprays them.
....lol, thats really something!...house paint, wow. You gotta love those ol' timers.
Almost all my rust proofing work (80%) is under the truck...very little to do on the main paint surfaces simply because they rarely rust from that point inwards.
I typically spend about 2-3 hours on my back under the cab, rockers, doors, box back end, etc cleaning and then spraying the product in there.....found a couple more tricky spots today, probably well known to the body work guys....which I"m not.
Its those underside hidden spots that cause the major problems on these trucks it seems.
My challenge is that I don't currently have a shop at the house so i have to use a truck cover only with outdoor storage. Within that I don't want corrosion working from the bottom side up through dampness, etc so I have to 'get busy' on ensuring that doesn't happen.
Cool on the whole painting thing tho'.