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Old 11-05-2014, 10:26 AM   #172
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Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)

Originally Posted by TheRegulator View Post
dang, I am busy and just skimmed some pages but nice work, I am envious! Im looking forward to the day I can actually get mine torn down, I will most likely need all new parts though, mine is so rusted its scary.

but for you and those that have already done restos, I was thinking instead of rivets, would it be an idea to use a nut and bolt combo in case anything needed removed for any reason?
Most of us on here feel that removing a cross member or two is OK in a restoration, but there are some who have replaced every crossmember with bolts.

In my opinion, I only removed the rear crossmember because it was cut through for my Gramps' hitch and the rear sus xmember because it wasn't clean enough in all the nooks for me to feel comfortable to paint.

And do the frame off resto! Develop an accurate savings plan and build plan, then get to it!

Originally Posted by MAC71 View Post
Where in did you get the sand blasting done? I am close to that point on my truck and live in Salt Lake City.
Mac, glad to meet another Utah member! I live in WVC and the place I used was Wasatch Abrasive, roughly California Ave and 32nd west. Here is their web address:

The frame, control arms, steer components, rear end, and a few odds and ends (maybe 3 pieces) came to about $230. I was able to pick up the parts the same day (I dropped them off at 8AM, right when they opened).

Owner's name is JR and the forklift operator who helps get your gear out and gets you on the schedule is Antonio, both are really good guys.

My grandpa, Gramps, won a 1970 C20 in 1969 for $1. I'm on a mission to restore it before he passes.

My 1970 C20 Build Thread
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