Originally Posted by mechanicalman
Hold on now. With the pan off, you should be able to see the timing chain at least the lower gear. If it has a double roller on it, then those teeth did not come off of those gears for sure.
I am going to pull the balancer tonight and the timing cover - might as well take a peek since I am his far along.
Pan was probably leaking because the timing set was probably already replaced when the teeth broke off and the pan was not pulled. It's hard to do the timing set with the pan on and not end up with a leak.
I sure hope this is the case!
Check crank journal where the rear main seal rides. If worn or pitted, you can get an off-set seal to ride on a previously un-used surface of the crank. Make sure it goes back together with a dust cover back there.
I had never heard of an off set seal... I love this forum! Will update later tonight once I look at it again.