Re: Windshield Washers for Task Force
What washer you use is dependent on your stock factor. The dealer installed washers are a bit hard to find and will fetch a premium. Here's a few pics of mine. Previous posters already mentioned the squirters, most repop places have those.
It is super simple to use, just push it with your foot and you have fluid on your window. Works like a charm.
There are lots of washer jars out on ebay and the like. Any will be fine. Some used vacuum from the combo fuel pumps others vacuum from the manifold. And others used a foot pump like mine. Either way make sure you get a 55-59 truck jar mount. There are lots of different ones for all makes and models.
Trico made a under dash mounted washer that might also work. I can rummage thru my horde for a pic if you want.
JB from AZ
1969 Chevy Sub K10
1957 Chevy 3200
1962 VW Beetle
1957 Willys CJ5