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Old 12-18-2015, 11:07 AM   #247
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Re: 1977 Silverado Crew Cab.

Originally Posted by justcuz View Post
If you use the 3 leaf 1 ton front springs you may get by with a shorter block.
Ford has a selection of blocks in their F250/350 trucks that are possibilities and also capture the inner part of the u bolts. Depending on the GVW the Ford blocks I've seen range from 2,3 or 4 inches.
I'd have to go measure but I don't think Chevy 4x4 spring mounts are 4" taller than 2wd, or did you already measure the Suburban rear spring mounts compared to your crew cab (2wd) rear spring mounts?
I like the fact that except for the front axle, your drive lines on both vehicle will be the same.
The 2wd mounts are 3" shorter than 4x4. So I plan on using the 3 leaf front Springs and just doing whatever block makes the rear level.

Originally Posted by justcuz View Post
Have you installed any of the seals yet? How do you like them and who did you get them from?
I have them all installed. Near as I can tell it doesn't matter where you buy them from. I think I have bought seals from three different places over time and all of them look identical. So who knows. The seals are all pretty good. Can't expect perfection and they aren't perfect. The things of note that come to mind are on the window track seals you have to trim the lip that holds them in place everywhere where the door skin is attached or there will be bunched up tight points every few inches. Also with new door seals, I have yet to have them not suck as far as having to really slam the doors to get them to shut.

Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher View Post
94-02 2500 and 3500 4x4 Dodges have a 4" cast block in the rear of them as well. The only problem you might run into might be the ford and dodge springs are wider than the older chevy ones. I almost went with a 241 for my 76. I still might if I can find a core at a decent price.
I have just had better luck with highway operation of 241s than 205s. Those are the only two transfer cases I like. And if it's a truck like this that will spend 95% of its time in 2wd on the highway, it's the right choice in my eyes.

Originally Posted by BRUISER View Post
I like the 241 idea. The TH400, adapter, and 205 can be flipped for good coin and the 241 is more than adequate for normal use.
Exactly. I have put my 241 in the burb through a good deal of hell over the years. If it can put up with what I have done, I have nothing to worry about.

Originally Posted by NastyBuzzard View Post
Following closely! You are doing to yours what I want to do to my 88 GMC crew! I also have a donor 1 ton w/ the dana 60 I need to swap over.
Yep! I'm following yours too! Sadly the 60 swap won't start for a good couple months as I am remodeling my kitchen starting right after Christmas... Yippie!
90 Chevy Suburban 2500 5.3 swap/th400/np241/14bltSF/10blt.
77 C20 crew cab Silverado. 396/th400. In work.
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