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Old 01-05-2016, 11:41 AM   #10
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Re: Replacement parts before install

Originally Posted by Wasted Income View Post
In regards to gaskets, that is one of the best parts of the LS. I can't really think of a gasket on the engine that is not re-usable if not damaged upon disassembly. Everything is o-ringed for the most part. Intake gaskets are good to replace on an older engine since they do sometimes take a set and create a vacuum leak. I have never, ever replaced a set of valve cover gaskets, on any junkyard engine FWIW. Even the steel exhaust gaskets can be re-used, but for the price, I'd start with a fresh set.
Really? My 140k mile 5.3L had oil buildup on the valve covers, around the valley pan and oil pan edges, so I opted to pull all those and replace the gaskets, as well as scrub everything clean. I replaced the exhaust manifold gaskets as well because why not. I reused the intake gaskets tho, they are fine. FYI LS gaskets are not cheap, I used all Victor-reinz. Resealed the PS pump as that was all leaky too.
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