Thread: Steering Column
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Old 02-13-2016, 01:34 PM   #8
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Re: Steering Column

Originally Posted by 1774btcrew View Post
Hatzie, If you figure it out let me know. I sell a lot of rebuilt columns and would like to make sure my customers are getting the right thing. Do you know what year the key buzzers started? I end up with some turn signal switches that have it and some that don't but never paid attention to what year they came from
1984 is the first year the key switch is shown in the wiring diagrams it grounds circuit 80 to the seatbelt buzzer.
The harmonica connector part # is the same from 1978 forward so the slots are there for the wires. The cab harness would have to be populated to make it work.

When I search the early parts books the only buzzers that show up are the 1976 and later RPO T63 Headlight Warning Buzzer and the seatbelt buzzer. Since the 1984 headlight warning buzzer uses the seatbelt buzzer it's not shocking that T63 starts the same year GM started buzzing the seatbelt.

I can't find a special RPO for the key buzzer.
The key inserted switch grounds Circuit 80 on the seat belt buzzer in the 1984 wiring diagrams.
The 1978 GM wiring diagrams "Circuit Tabulation" lists circuit 80 "Ground Key Warning Buzzer" but I can't find that wire anywhere in the diagrams till 1984.

My gut tells me it was available from 1978 forward but it may be rare till 1984.

The difference on the 1984 columns was the optional 1984 pulse wiper controller and wiper switch. If you update to the 1985 parts it will plug in and work fine.
After 1984 there's no reason to use a 2 speed wiper switch. The delay/pulse wiper setup is a direct plug in with no wiring mods needed. The delay switch plugs into the delay module which plugs into the same cab harness connector as the 2 speed switch... The delay switch is cheaper too.
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RTFM... GM Parts Books, GM Schematics, GM service manuals, and GM training materials...Please include at least the year and model in your threads. It'll be easier to answer your questions.
And please let us know if and how your repairs were successful.

Last edited by hatzie; 02-13-2016 at 01:46 PM.
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