Originally Posted by 1972BlueC20
I am installing a CPP 50014 power steering box on my 72 c20 that originally had manual steering. I ordered a original rag joint that would of fit a 72 with factory power steering. The rag joint seems too big. I tightened the part that goes onto the steering box splines as tight as I can get it with hand tools and it's still too big. It doesn't even grab onto the CPP shaft. It just falls off.
Anyone know what rag joint I need for the CPP box?
Also, on rag joints in general are they just hand tightened on the spline shaft or are you supposed to use power tools and is that maybe why it seems too big because I need to really bare down on it to make it tight on the shaft?
There are two different sizes of splined shafts on the steering boxes. I don't know which one CPP uses but it sounds like you have a box with the small splined shaft and a rag joint for the large splined shaft.
I just tighten mine with hand tools.