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Old 09-13-2016, 02:52 PM   #5
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Re: E-Brake Options?

Originally Posted by Overdriven View Post
The more I think about it I'd just go back to stock. Place a "Wanted" ad on the board, there's guys parting these things out that I'm sure will come up with almost everything needed.

Unless you're doing buckets with a console going with a hand brake style would look weird. Adapting a foot pedal style from another truck would require fabrication to mount it. Stock sounds much easier.
That's a good idea, I'm sure a lot of people can hook him up with what he needs.

Originally Posted by 2B32 View Post
It's a 71 K20 with 4 spd manual. Everything is missing expect the pedal in the cab; no lines, connectors, brackets, nothing. I don't even know if I have the internals in the brake drums to hook up the lines.
Having the pedal in the cab is a good start, sounds like you just need a set of cables. I'd be very surprised if the lever in the drum is gone, it's been a while since I've been in mine but I'm pretty sure it also acts on the equalizer bar for proper operation. Look on LMC's website, they have good exploded diagrams of systems. Then you can see what your missing, there really is just a few cables and hangers. Shouldn't be hard to source.
71 c-10 Long Bed, under the knife for a No Limit Engineering Wide Ride Chassis Pack and coil over static drop.

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95 Camaro 427SBC/TH350
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