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Old 11-13-2016, 10:11 PM   #6
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Montevallo, AL
Posts: 272
Re: turns over but won't crank

Check for spark- it it hasn't been tuned up recently, replace the cap and rotor (and points if it has them. Also new plugs and wires won't hurt.

Turn the engine over and see where the timing is at. Static- set it for around 4 degrees to get it to crank.

Check for fuel at the carb (loosen the line and crank the engine over to see if fuel comes out)- some carbs have a fuel filter built into them where the fuel line connects, clean it if there is one and you haven't.

If fuel is getting to the carb, look down the throat of the carb without the engine running and pump the throttle with your hand. You should see gas entering the carb. If not, either the carb is not getting gas or the accelerator pump is bad. It is also possible that the carb needs rebuilding- some gaskets may have shrunk and allows gas to run into the intake- emptying the fuel bowl and depriving the accelerator pump of having fuel to spray into the engine.

Check the choke- see if it is working.

The problem is probably ignition or fuel. However, check to see if the distributor is turning as well. If you broke a cam or timing chain, it won't turn and nothing will crank.
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