Re: coe/s10 info/pics. help?
do you have your truck yet?
not sure what shape your cab is in but, before you get it off the original frame and do too much, get it sitting on a flat surface and level it up. doors on, get the hinges rebuilt/adjusted so the doors close good and fit. then tack in some bracing so the cab can't distort when you are messing around with stuff. brace it in an X pattern 2 ways, across the floor and across the back at least. i recommend to brace it from lower A post right to upper A post left and vice versa to make an X. same on the floor, lower a post right to lower B post left. an X won't let the cab move so when you are building mounts etc you don't get something out of whack and then, when you are finishing and fitting doors etc, it is too late.
I think the gm upfitters site will give you all the frame dimensional stuff you need for either an s10 or a 1/2 or 3/4 ton. probably the load capacity as well. if you are just riding around without a load you may get away with an s10, do some weight comparisons for frame loading to see what the front end will actually be expected to carry with the weight of the cab, engine and trans etc, check the load sticker on the s10 door jamb to see what it is rated for, then decide. don't forget that too heavy on the front makes it difficult to get the brake bias set up so you don't always skid the rear wheels trying to stop, or, you may do burn outs constantly when taking off. the rear would also skid out easily on corners. not trying to be a buzz kill, just saying it is good to research some before going in blind. I can tell you I have driven unloaded cab over trucks before and it is an uneasy feeling when the rear skids out on a corner. pm 47fasttoys , he placed his on a 1/2 ton frame, don't know the reasoning, but I think he repositioned the engine to be further back to help remedy the weight distribution? mid engine would be cool for sure. also it will be a challenge to get steering to work i assume. remember universal joints are only made to be used at 7 degrees otherwise the two shafts actually speed up and slow down, when compared to each other, through one rev. could be a bear to steer i suppose.
to weigh the cab you could stop in at a scale with the truck/trailer that you can carry the cab and front end sheet metal from the coe. go empty once and then go with the load to see what a coe cab and front sheet metal actually weighs.
anyway, I have never done one of these and i am just talking through my hat. you probably have spend hours researching so you know what you are getting into. just would hate to see you start and give up part way through, or end up with something that looks cool but is unsafe to drive around.