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Old 04-30-2017, 06:21 AM   #1
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Posts: 80
Converting from carb to efi in california, charcoal canister

I am installing msd atomic efi tbi in my 1986 c 10 i live in california so must keep all emmisions and smog stuff, the charcoal canister in my truck now is for a carbureted engine and has several hose there is one for the carb bowl vent, the efi does not have a connection for this hose, should i just get a canister for an 1987 tbi truck that way i wont have a hose not hooked up for the smog natzies ? Also thete is only one large manifold port on the efi i need 2 large ports one for the brake booster and one for the pcv valve any suggestions on that
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