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Old 07-03-2017, 08:21 PM   #10
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Re: Craigslist sanity check: 4L80e + 5.7L SBC 350

That's a CFI, worse than a TBI, which are actually pretty good.

96 was not a good era for the SBC IMO. you don't want to to try to use that CFI deal, it's a PITA from one end to the other. I see that it does have a distributor in the traditional SBC loction, that helps. Count carefully how many bolts are holding the intake manifold on, it'll be either 8 or 12. if it's 8 it might be an early Vortec, which is a good thing. Look at the back of the block, on the bellhousing flange behind the left head. there should be cast in, not stamped numbers there. post them or a pic of them.
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