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Old 03-26-2018, 03:16 PM   #7
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Re: Shifter for 4 speed Saginaw Car Trans

Originally Posted by geezer#99 View Post
You need the sag linkage because of the reverse arm location.
You could use a Muncie shifter and modify the linkage if needed.
Make your own reverse rod.
Well I dont know how I did it but I managed to grab a Sag linkage off amazon for $90 shipped. I hope they dont try to cancel and then make it more expensive. They charged my card and approved the order so let's hope for the best. I found a really nice shifter for a truck on ebay along with a good condition competition plus shifter body.

Here's a link to both:

Now let's hope I have everything I need to turn my 4 bolt saginaw three on the tree to a 7 bolt saginaw from a car. I have a 71 drive shaft from a three speed truck coming so now it would be a matter of bolting up the trans and drive shaft, right?
67 C10 "Big Red"
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