Originally Posted by Coley
I think the rattle can thing works....but it is a last choice within reasonable choices for that particular task.
Rattle cans are great for smaller areas, detailing etc....but when you start to have to cover the square footage of an 18ft truck the scale of advantage vs. effort and results disappears in a hurry I think.
I think once you start buying a box of 16, 20, 25 cans of rattle paint.....it starts to become clear that you aren't on the best road for a paint project, lol.
Let alone the putz around time shaking cans, grabbing the next one, paint-appearance continuity, etc, etc.
At that point, a compressor (even renting one), a spray gun and some basic paint will go faster, farther....for not too much more money I think...and this was well mentioned by Problems and others.
My two bits.
I agree with everything you said. I'm not going with a basic color (balck/white/red etc). So that adds to painassery of getting the right paint color etc.
I want to paint with my gun, compressor, mask etc. I have the major components but zero experience. I'm ready to give it a shot though.
Major hurdles for me are:
- Cost (paint is more expensive, primer is more expensive too)
- Availability of paint (in the color/sheen I want)
- Time tracking down all the needed stuff (mixing bowls, something to clean the gun, etc etc)
- Time figuring out the process of mixing, spraying, adding new paint to continue the job etc etc
- Time figuring how to clean the gun, then cleaning it
- Time doing proper prep of existing paint to accept primer
- Time doing a proper primer job
I would spend the same amount of time on the bondo body work that needs to be done either way. I've never done body work so I'm not expecting much in the quality of finish (but it will be miles better than how it currently sits)
Farm fresh if you know what I mean. But, rattle canning, you can pretty much scuff with red scotchbrite existing paint then spray right over that. Rattle can I'm looking at using is primer/paint combo.
I know rattle canning is a cheap crap way to paint a car/truck. This truck will NEVER get a professional paint job (not while I own it). Just not that important to me. I have about $3500 into it so far and probably another $800 to get it driving and functioning safely. At that point spending $60 and a morning rattle canning sounds pretty good haha. A couple hundred bucks more would be doable, just have to do more research on finding a satin single stage in Sea Glass color in California.