How did you get cab, box, burb, panel, blazer off the frame?
I would like to see how you got your truck cab and box, or your burb/panel body, or your blazer/jimmy off of your chassis.
But I only want to see how you did it without using a lift or tractor or anything that made it pretty easy.
I know people have used engine hoists for cabs and boxes. That seems relatively easy solution when you have only one or two sets of hands. Probably figure out a way to use it when lifting one of the bigger bodies?
How bout those big bodies like burbs and blazers? I know some of you figured out ways to get those bodies up in the air so you could roll the chassis out. How did you do it without getting all your friends and promises of beer and pizza?
Its a serious question. I know a lot of you are great about thinking outside the box. Lets see or hear about your lifting powers. And once you got your chassis rolled out what did you do with the body?